United Nations Global Compact

CFO Insights: Financing a Sustainable Future

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The Coalition was convened as a platform for CFOs to interact with their peers, investors, financial institutions, and the United Nations to share ideas, develop new concepts and frameworks, and provide recommendations to unlock private capital and create a market for mainstream SDG investments.
It stems from the recognition that—as stewards of trillions of dollars in corporate investments—CFOs are uniquely positioned to reshape the future of corporate finance and investment as a catalyst for growth, value creation, and social impact.
Photo: UN Photo/Cia Pak2

The CFO Coalition in Numbers

Collective market cap
(US$ trillion)
SDG-aligned Investments 2021-2025 (US$ billion)
The CFO Principles supplement the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles to support companies in the transition to sustainable development and to leverage corporate finance and investments toward the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
see the full text of the principlessee the full text of the principles

Four principles to integrate Sustainable Development in Corporate Investments and Finance

The CFO Principles supplement the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles to support companies in the transition to sustainable development and to leverage corporate finance and investments toward the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

SDG impact thesis and measurement


Integrated SDG strategy and investments


Integrated corporate SDG finance


Integrated SDG communications and reporting

UN Photo / Jean-Marc Ferré