Emission intensity
Annually, have pay equity in salary for women and men globally, as well as with respect to race and ethnicity in the U.S
Provide to small businesses resources to help them thrive in the digital economy.
Achieve net zero emissions in operations (scope 1 and 2)
Enable the avoidance of metric tons of CO2e annually with internal solutions
Total source or generated renewable energy of total annual electricity consumption.
Prepare individuals for jobs of the future
Provide digital skills trainings to youth population
Sponsor the planting of trees globally.
Total enrollment of workforce as Green Team members
Reduce absolute scope 3 emissions over a 2019 baseline.
Deduce absolute scope 1 and 2 emissions over a 2019 baseline
Increase renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency investments
Increase renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency investments
Sustainably source all seafood (Percentage of wild caught seafood (tonnes) certified by Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) in UK/ROI)
Climate neutral across operations, aligned to a 1.5 degree pathway (Percentage reduction of Scope 1 and 2 market-based greenhouse gas emissions)
Respecting human rights across the supply chain (Percentage of high-risk tier 1 supplier sites that have closed out critical NCs within six months)
Source of our electricity from renewable sources (Percentage electricity from renewable sources: Proportion of contractually committed volumes from Grid PPAs and on-site generation as a percentage of energy consumption at a Group level)
Respecting human rights across the supply chain (Percentage of high-risk tier 1 supplier sites that have closed out critical NCs within six months)
Increase % of global female leaders
Supporting colleagues to be at their physical and mental best (Percentage of colleagues that believe the company supports their health and wellbeing within the "Every Voice Matters" survey)
Encourage customers to eat more sustainably by increasing sales of plant-based meat alternatives (Percentage growth in plant-based meat alternatives in the UK (vs 2018 baseline))
Help UK/ROI customers eat more healthily by increasing the proportion of sales of healthy food (Percentage of volume sales from products with a healthy health score in UK/ROI)
Total saved unsold food for human consumption in the UK redistributed to humans or animals (Percentage of food safe for human consumption redistributed to humans or animals in UK)
Reduce food waste in operations (Percentage change in tonnes of food wasted as percentage of tonnes of food handled compared to baseline year (2016/17)
Help UK/ROI customers eat more healthily by increasing the proportion of sales of healthy food (Percentage of volume sales from products with a healthy health score in UK/ROI)
Total saved unsold food for human consumption in the UK redistributed to humans or animals (Percentage of food safe for human consumption redistributed to humans or animals in UK)
Total number of global leaders from an ethnically diverse background by 2025 (Percentage of Top Global Leaders that are ethnically diverse)
Sustainably source all seafood (Percentage of wild caught seafood (tonnes) certified by Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) in UK/ROI)
Achieve zero deforestation (Percentage of soy used in animal feed that meets our UK Zero Deforestation Soy Transition Plan requirements)
Achieve zero deforestation (Percentage of paper/wood products certified by Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) or from a recycled scheme)
Achieve zero deforestation (Percentage volume of palm oil physically certified to Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) standard)
Supporting colleagues to be at their physical and mental best (Percentage of colleagues that believe the company supports their health and wellbeing within the "Every Voice Matters" survey)
Recyclable packaging (Percentage weight of all Own Brand packaging that is recyclable in the UK)
Reduce food waste in operations (Percentage change in tonnes of food wasted as percentage of tonnes of food handled compared to baseline year (2016/17)
Increase % of global female leaders
Help UK/ROI customers eat more healthily by increasing the proportion of sales of healthy food (Percentage of volume sales from products with a healthy health score in UK/ROI)
Source of our electricity from renewable sources (Percentage electricity from renewable sources: Proportion of contractually committed volumes from Grid PPAs and on-site generation as a percentage of energy consumption at a Group level)
Climate neutral across operations, aligned to a 1.5 degree pathway (Percentage reduction of Scope 1 and 2 market-based greenhouse gas emissions)
Achieve zero deforestation (Percentage of soy used in animal feed that meets our UK Zero Deforestation Soy Transition Plan requirements)
Achieve zero deforestation (Percentage of paper/wood products certified by Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) or from a recycled scheme)
Achieve zero deforestation (Percentage volume of palm oil physically certified to Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) standard)
Encourage customers to eat more sustainably by increasing sales of plant-based meat alternatives (Percentage growth in plant-based meat alternatives in the UK (vs 2018 baseline))
Sustainably source all seafood (Percentage of wild caught seafood (tonnes) certified by Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) in UK/ROI)
Achieve zero deforestation (Percentage of soy used in animal feed that meets our UK Zero Deforestation Soy Transition Plan requirements)
Achieve zero deforestation (Percentage of paper/wood products certified by Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) or from a recycled scheme)
Encourage customers to eat more sustainably by increasing sales of plant-based meat alternatives (Percentage growth in plant-based meat alternatives in the UK (vs 2018 baseline))
Achieve zero deforestation (Percentage volume of palm oil physically certified to Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) standard)
Source of our electricity from renewable sources (Percentage electricity from renewable sources: Proportion of contractually committed volumes from Grid PPAs and on-site generation as a percentage of energy consumption at a Group level)
Climate neutral across operations, aligned to a 1.5 degree pathway (Percentage reduction of Scope 1 and 2 market-based greenhouse gas emissions)
Total saved unsold food for human consumption in the UK redistributed to humans or animals (Percentage of food safe for human consumption redistributed to humans or animals in UK)
Recyclable packaging (Percentage weight of all Own Brand packaging that is recyclable in the UK)
Reduce food waste in operations (Percentage change in tonnes of food wasted as percentage of tonnes of food handled compared to baseline year (2016/17)
Total number of global leaders from an ethnically diverse background by 2025 (Percentage of Top Global Leaders that are ethnically diverse)
Increase % of global female leaders
Community initiatives in line with SDGs
Respecting human rights across the supply chain (Percentage of high-risk tier 1 supplier sites that have closed out critical NCs within six months)
Number of people trained in digital skills (number in cumulative people)
Employees taking part in performance appraisals (%)
Infrastructure Unit personnel involved in the "Zero Accident" Training Plan (%)
Safety Indicator. (This indicator is the ratio between the weighted injury rate (weighting: 30%) and lost day weight(weighting: 70%)
Community initiatives in line with SDGs
SF6 leakage as a percentage of total gas installed
Number of people trained in digital skills (number in cumulative people)
Number of people trained in digital skills (number in cumulative people)
Community initiatives in line with SDGs
Infrastructure Unit personnel involved in the "Zero Accident" Training Plan (%)
Km of overhead obsolete lines demolished during the year
SF6 leakage as a percentage of total gas installed
SF6 leakage as a percentage of total gas installed
Km of overhead obsolete lines demolished during the year
Km of overhead obsolete lines demolished during the year
Achieve net zero emissions
Build recycling business in steel and other materials in India
Reach people through CSR initiatives (India)
Reduce ghg emissions in UK and Netherlands
Achieve CO2 emission intensity
Achieve material efficiency in all steel making sites in India
Reach people through CSR initiatives (India)
Achieve net zero emissions
Reduce ghg emissions in UK and Netherlands
Achieve CO2 emission intensity
Reach people through CSR initiatives (India)
Achieve specific freshwater consumption across steel making sites
Reach people through CSR initiatives (India)
Reach people through CSR initiatives (India)
Cover sites in India under Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP)
Reach people through CSR initiatives (India)
Reach people through CSR initiatives (India)
Reach people through CSR initiatives (India)
Reach people through CSR initiatives (India)
Cover sites in India under Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP)
Achieve net zero emissions
Build recycling business in steel and other materials in India
Coverage of critical supply chain partners for ESG risk assessment and collaborate for risk mitigation in India
Achieve specific freshwater consumption across steel making sites
Reduce ghg emissions in UK and Netherlands
Achieve CO2 emission intensity
Build recycling business in steel and other materials in India
Achieve material efficiency in all steel making sites in India
Coverage of critical supply chain partners for ESG risk assessment and collaborate for risk mitigation in India
Reach people through CSR initiatives (India)
Achieve specific freshwater consumption across steel making sites
Reach people through CSR initiatives (India)
Cover sites in India under Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP)
Increase renewable energy exports
Reach people through CSR initiatives (India)
Offer products rom renewable source
Ensure acessibility for people with disability
Ensure acessibility for people with disability
Reduce volume of water withdrawn in industrial operation
Increase water availability in all the critical watersheds in Suzanos' areas of operation
Ensure inclusive environment for LGBTQIAP+ People
Increase black people in leadership positions (funcional managers and above)
Increase women in leadership positions (manager and above)
Increase the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB) in all priority municipalities
Lift people out of poverty in areas of operation
Connect hectares of priority areas for biodiversity conservation in the Cerrado, Atlantic Forest and Amazon
Remove CO2 from the atmosphere
absolute emissions reduction (Scopes 1 and 2) per ton of production
Remove CO2 from the atmosphere
Introduction of ESG criteria in scoring models (% of expenditure)
Reduce the industrial solid waste sent to our own of third-party landfills, transforming them into by-products
absolute emissions reduction (Scopes 1 and 2) per ton of production
Lift people out of poverty in areas of operation
% of local suppliers (Italy based SMEs) involved out of total contractualized suppliers
% spending to local suppliers (Italy based SMEs) on total procurement
% of reliability levels on gas supply
Average annual customer satisfaction rate in terms of service quality (on a scale from 1 to 10)
% of ESG finance on total committed funding
% participation in welfare initiatives
Introduction of ESG criteria in scoring models (% of expenditure)
% of local suppliers (Italy based SMEs) involved out of total contractualized suppliers
% employee engagement index (new methodology to be developed in 2023)
% spending to local suppliers (Italy based SMEs) on total procurement
IpFG (combined frequency and severity index)
% of reliability levels on gas supply
Average annual customer satisfaction rate in terms of service quality (on a scale from 1 to 10)
% of ESG finance on total committed funding
Cumulated number of installed CNG and L-CNG stations
Available LNG capacity for the SSLNG market (mln m3)
Reduction of CO2 equivalent from energy efficiency interventions (kton of CO2eq)
Biomethane production
% of retrofitted or methane-powered cars out of the total company car fleet
MWh production of electricity by photovoltaic plants
% of women in succession planning (first and second reporting lines and key positions)
% of women in executive and middle-management roles
% participation in welfare initiatives
IpFG (combined frequency and severity index)
Percentage of third parties subject to the procurement process on which reputational checks have been carried out
% of BoD time dedicated to ESG matters in strategy meetings and induction sessions
% employee engagement index (new methodology to be developed in 2023)
% of vegetation recovery of natural and seminatural areas impacted by pipeline routing
Scope 3 emissions reduction related to supplier emissions in terms of emission intensity (tCO2eq/M€ CapEx)
Scope 3 emissions reduction related to associate emissions, fuel and energy production and transmission, business travels, employee commuting
Net Zero (Scope 1 e 2)
Reduction of scope 1 and 2 emissions
Reduction of scope 1 and 2 emissions
Reduction of scope 1 and 2 emissions
% of ESG finance on total committed funding
Available LNG capacity for the SSLNG market (mln m3)
Reduction of CO2 equivalent from energy efficiency interventions (kton of CO2eq)
Cumulated number of installed CNG and L-CNG stations
Biomethane production
% of retrofitted or methane-powered cars out of the total company car fleet
MWh production of electricity by photovoltaic plants
% of natural gas recovered from maintenance activities
% of reduction in natural gas emissions
Number of employees hours devoted to Snam Foundation’s initiatives supporting local communities
Percentage of third parties subject to the procurement process on which reputational checks have been carried out
Use of fully renewable energy
Provide to people access to renewable power
Deploiment of utility-scale solar energy to the global energy mix
Deliver of saved and avoided CO2 emissions to our customers
Train underprivileged people in energy management
Increase hiring opportunities for interns, apprentices, and fresh graduate hires
Strategic suppliers provide decent work to their employees
Provide access to green electricity to people
Reduce CO2 emissions from top 1000 suppliers’ operations
Deliver of saved and avoided CO2 emissions to our customers
Grow our Impact Revenues
Increase gender diversity in hiring front-line managers, and leadership teams
Increase hiring opportunities for interns, apprentices, and fresh graduate hires
Strategic suppliers provide decent work to their employees
Provide access to green electricity to people
Strategic suppliers provide decent work to their employees
Reduce CO2 emissions from top 1000 suppliers’ operations
Measure the level of confidence of our employees to report unethical conduct
Primary and secondary packaging is free from single-use plastic and using recycled cardboard
Total green material content in our products
Primary and secondary packaging is free from single-use plastic and using recycled cardboard
Reduce CO2 emissions from top 1000 suppliers’ operations
Deliver of saved and avoided CO2 emissions to our customers
Grow our Impact Revenues
Primary and secondary packaging is free from single-use plastic and using recycled cardboard
Total green material content in our products
Grow our Impact Revenues
Train underprivileged people in energy management
Increase hiring opportunities for interns, apprentices, and fresh graduate hires
Increase gender diversity in hiring front-line managers, and leadership teams
Net zero emissions (scope 1, 2 & 3), with minimal reliance on offsets
Train underprivileged people in energy management
Reduction in Scope 1 & 2 emissions
Provide access to green electricity to people
Reduction in Scope 3 emissions
Reduction in Scope 1 & 2 emissions
women in our salaried workforce
women in our salaried workforce
Reduction in Scope 3 emissions
Net zero emissions (scope 1, 2 & 3), with minimal reliance on offsets
Reduction in Scope 1 & 2 emissions
Reduction in Scope 1 & 2 emissions
Enable digital payments through E-citizen
Digital skills and livelihoods for people
Connect homes & businesses (SMEs and MSMEs) through fibre and 4G LTE
Connect people to internet (home fibre and mobile)
Strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance and financial services for all.
Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human wellbeing, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all.KPI: Delivering connectivity and innovative products and services to provide unmatched solutions to meet the needs of Kenyans.
Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
Substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training
Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value. KPI: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment for all.
Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, excluding through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
Increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. KPI: Transitioning to the use of clean energy at our network sites
Ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services.KPI: Leveraging technology to provide clean energy, including payment solutions.
Ensure that girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education. KPI:Expanding access to education through innovative solutions, our network and through partnerships.
Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all. KPI: Provide economically disadvantaged students from each of the 47 counties in Kenya with access to a high-quality education through world class learning facilities, focused on building leadership and entrepreneurship skills through the M-PESA Foundation Academy.
Ensure that girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes.KPI: Advancing Literacy and Numeracy programmes
Reduce the global maternal mortality ratio per live births. KPI: Scale health programmes by the Foundations to reach more vulnerable populations
Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all. KPI: Expand the offering under the existing products such as M-Tiba
End preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, with all countries aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 per 1000 live births and under-5 mortality to at least as low as 25 per 1000 live births. KPI: Digitizing the health ecosystems to enable telemedicine and expand access. Leverage technologies and partnerships to provide access to healthcare people.
Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals in all countries, in particular developing countries
Leverage on technology for innovative products to support digital rights such as privacy, access to information
Integration of the UN Guiding Principles and enactment of responsible Sourcing Principle in our supply chain
Eliminate single use plastics from operations
Compliance with code of ethics by all employees and business partners
Recycle solid waste generated in facilities.
Drive sustainability thought leadership beyond Safaricom through various platforms
Recycle our Network IT waste
Grow external e-waste collection and recycling
Adopt policies, especially fiscal, wage and social protection policies, and progressively achieve greater equality
Achieving gender split and achieving 5% of employees comprised of PwDs
coverage of environmental management systems
coverage of trading partners by Know-Your-Customer Process
% of procurements spend going to marginalized groups (women, youth and PwDs)
% of women in executive positions
Code of conduct coverage
Scope 3 GHG emissions reduction
Scope 1-3 GHG emissions carbon neutral
Scope 1-2 GHG emissions per kWh reduction
For new product segments, % of fossil-based material (by 2025: < 40%)
For new product segments, % of recycled materials (by 2025: > 3%)
For new product segments, % of renewables materials (by 2025: > 40%
Group Carbon Neutrality
Renewable Electricity purchased at Group level
Specific Energy Consumption reduction
Specific water withdrawal reduction
Evolution of the total product range, % of new products in Rolling Resistance Class A/B
Accident Frequency Index
Evolution of the total product range, % of new products will be in Wet Grip Class A/B.
Raw Materials Suppliers Absolute CO2 Emissions reduction compared to 2018
Eco & Safety Performance Revenues: % on High Value revenues
Eco & Safety Performance Revenues: % on total car tyres revenues
Absolute CO2 Emissions reduction
Group Carbon Neutrality
% of waste recovery
Specific Energy Consumption reduction
Absolute CO2 Emissions reduction
Group Carbon Neutrality
Renewable Electricity purchased at Group level
Specific Energy Consumption reduction
Specific water withdrawal reduction
Evolution of the total product range, % of new products will be in Wet Grip Class A/B.
Evolution of the total product range, % of new products in Rolling Resistance Class A/B
Eco & Safety Performance Revenues: % on High Value revenues
Eco & Safety Performance Revenues: % on total car tyres revenues
Eco & Safety Performance Revenues: % on High Value revenues
Eco & Safety Performance Revenues: % on total car tyres revenues
Absolute CO2 Emissions reduction
Bartenders trained on all aspects of sustainability and responsibility - from fresh Ingredient-use to responsible serving
Offer all employees at least one future-fit training session every three years to ensure their employability
Ensure all high or medium risk suppliers covered by mitigation plans
Align with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Human Rights including due diligence across operations and strengthening responsible procurement processes
Become "best in class" in the Wines & Spirits industry targeting zero accidents with lost time (employees and temporary staff)
Farmers empowered, trained, or supported
% of water replenished in watersheds with high level of risk for our production sites and dedicated copackers located in high risk areas
Reduction in water consumption (intensity) from FY18 baseline
Ensure equal pay across the business
Ensure a gender balanced top management team
Number of campaigns in key markets to promote responsible drinking behaviour amongst their consumers
Roll out global industry standards with all e-commerce and inform and disseminate commitments to all delivery platforms and partners we work with
Contribute to global or local responsible drinking initiative to fight alcohol misuse
% compliance of our digital marketing with the Digital Guiding Principles
Offer “Responsible Host” experiences to visitors and will be certified to that end to ensure compliance with high standards (in million)
All products will have a digital label to inform consumers about the content of products, the potential health risks and how to enjoy them responsibly.
Products will carry 3 responsible drinking logos on their labels: an age restriction logo, a logo warning against drink-driving and a logo warning against drinking during pregnancy
% of sales employees and brand ambassadors to be trained on the prevention of alcohol-related risks
Number of campaigns in key markets to promote responsible drinking behaviour amongst their consumers
Maintain level of % of eployees trained through on alcohol and responsible drinking.
Contribute to global or local responsible drinking initiative to fight alcohol misuse
Roll out global industry standards with all e-commerce and inform and disseminate commitments to all delivery platforms and partners we work with
% compliance of our digital marketing with the Digital Guiding Principles
% direct affiliates with a biodiversity programme
% of high/medium risk priority terroirs covered by mitigation projects (water, agrochemicals...)
Pilot local models for regenerative farming systems in the Group's vineyards in eight wine regions, to capture more carbon in the soil, and share knowledge with the wine industry (in number of local models piloted)
% of agricultural raw materials (annual purchases) covered by risk mapping
Post-consumer recycled content for glass will reach 50% and 25% for PET and 100% of cardboard will be certified to standards ensuring sustainable forest management
% of packaging will be reusable, recyclable, compostable
Reduction in water consumption (intensity) from FY18 baseline
% of water replenished in watersheds with high level of risk for our production sites and dedicated copackers located in high risk areas
% reduction in the intensity of the Scope 3 from FY18 baseline
Net zero carbon emissions on production sites (Scopes 1 and 2) reduction in absolute carbon emission from FY18 baseline
% direct affiliates with a biodiversity programme
% renewable electricity on production sites and in administrative offices
% of high/medium risk priority terroirs covered by mitigation projects (water, agrochemicals...)
Pilot local models for regenerative farming systems in the Group's vineyards in eight wine regions, to capture more carbon in the soil, and share knowledge with the wine industry (in number of local models piloted)
% of agricultural raw materials (annual purchases) covered by risk mapping
Number of piloted R&D projects on circular distribution of Wines & Spirits
Launch initiatives to support glass recycling in key markets (in number)
Post-consumer recycled content for glass will reach 50% and 25% for PET and 100% of cardboard will be certified to standards ensuring sustainable forest management
% of packaging will be reusable, recyclable, compostable
% of water replenished in watersheds with high level of risk for our production sites and dedicated copackers located in high risk areas
% of new packaging development will demonstrate environmental impact reduction
Reduction in water consumption (intensity) from FY18 baseline
% reduction in the intensity of the Scope 3 from FY18 baseline
Net zero carbon emissions on production sites (Scopes 1 and 2) reduction in absolute carbon emission from FY18 baseline
% renewable electricity on production sites and in administrative offices
Investments (in million) in developing regenerative solutions, such as: biotechnology e.g. from waste to ingredients, plastics, etc.
% renewable or natural ingredients
% biodegradable formulas
% offset through “collection and reuse” programs to reach responsible disposal where recycling infrastructure not available
% of all packaging material: Reusable or Recyclable or Compostable
% of all plastic used to be of recycled content (in weight)
% of less packaging material (in weight)
Promote our trusted and reliable model for the future of direct sales
Measurable gains for consultants/ representatives and sourcing communities' earnings, education, health, and digital inclusion
Increase revenue streams with bio-ingredients (from 38)
Living wage (or above) for all employees
Million shared in value with communities (from R$ 33 million)
Equitable pay, closing the gender gap
% women onboard/senior team
Help create targets with a network of partnerships (UEBT, SBTN, BfN, WEF)
Foster collective efforts towards zero deforestation
Expand influence on forest preservation from 33 coomunities baseline
Adopt robust Human Rights policy in line with UN Guiding Principles
Increase investments in key causes
Cotton full certification
Soy full certification
Alcohol full certification
Paper full certification
Expand from Natura’s 16 year payment of ABS (access and benefit sharing) to the Group
Palm oil full certification
Mica full traceability certification
Foster collective efforts towards zero deforestation
Investments (in million) in developing regenerative solutions, such as: biotechnology e.g. from waste to ingredients, plastics, etc.
Million shared in value with communities (from R$ 33 million)
Increase revenue streams with bio-ingredients (from 38)
Expand influence on forest preservation from 33 coomunities baseline
Expand influence on forest preservation from 1.8m ha
% biodegradable formulas
% renewable or natural ingredients
Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) for all companies, scopes 1, 2 and 3
% of less packaging material (in weight)
% of all plastic used to be of recycled content (in weight)
Become Net Zero
Investments (in million) in developing regenerative solutions, such as: biotechnology e.g. from waste to ingredients, plastics, etc.
% biodegradable formulas
% renewable or natural ingredients
% offset through “collection and reuse” programs to reach responsible disposal where recycling infrastructure not available
% of all packaging material: Reusable or Recyclable or Compostable
% of all plastic used to be of recycled content (in weight)
Living wage (or above) for all employees
% of less packaging material (in weight)
% inclusion, in management, of under-represented groups
Equitable pay, closing the gender gap
% women onboard/senior team
Net Zero Carbon for Scope 1 & Scope 2
% science-based Carbon Emission Reductionm per year
% of Scope 3 Carbon Emissions Reporting from suppliers
Net Zero Carbon for Scope 1 & Scope 2
TCFD Reporting
% of reduction in Scope 1 & Scope 2 Carbon Emissions
% of Scope 3 Carbon Emissions Reporting from suppliers
% reduction in Scope 1 + Scope 2 (location-based) emissions calculated on revenues (4% by 2025), reduction in Scope 1 + Scope 2 (market-based) emissions
% of women total new hires in STEM areas
% of women total new hires in STEM areas
% of women total new hires in STEM areas
% reduction in Scope 1 + Scope 2 (location-based) emissions calculated on revenues (4% by 2025), reduction in Scope 1 + Scope 2 (market-based) emissions
Internal R&D targets
% of renewable sources accounting of the energy matrix
% of certified electricity purchased from renewable sources
% of specific consumption of industrial water reduction
% female leaders
% of proprietary forest harvesting operations with hydro-solidarity management
% of locations where we operate with initiatives to increase territorial water security
Lost-time incident frequency rate (own and contracted)