United Nations Global Compact

Construction, Materials & Real Estate

Industries description
Macro-sector statistics
Material Issues
SDG Targets
SDG Investments
Regulatory Frameworks
City Developments Limited
Vena Energy
Business sector
Building Materials
Number of employees
Maher Al-Haffar
City Developments Limited
Business sector
Real Estate Development
Number of employees
Yiong Yim Ming
FCC Construcción‍
Business sector
Number of employees
Maria Carrasco
Business sector
Building Materials
Number of employees
Steffen Kindler
Summit Materials
Business sector
Building Materials
Number of employees
Brian Harris
SDG 1: No Poverty
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
SDG 3: Good health & wellbeing
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 6: Clean water & sanitation
SDG 7: Sustainable Energy for All
SDG 8: Decent work & economic growth
SDG 9: Industry, innovation & infrastructure
SDG 10: Reduced inequalities
SDG 11: Sustainable cities & communities
SDG 12: Responsible production & consumption
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 14: Life below water
SDG 15: Life on Land
SDG 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
CO2 Reduction
Net Zero Carbon for Scope 1 & Scope 2
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2040
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: 

Net Zero Carbon for Scope 1 & Scope 2

CO2 Reduction
% science-based Carbon Emission Reductionm per year
  • Amount: 4.20%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: SBTi Tool (version 2.0)
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: 

% science-based Carbon Emission Reductionm per year

CO2 Reduction
% of Scope 3 Carbon Emissions Reporting from suppliers
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: 

% of Scope 3 Carbon Emissions Reporting from suppliers

CO2 Reduction
Net Zero Carbon for Scope 1 & Scope 2
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2040
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: 

Net Zero Carbon for Scope 1 & Scope 2

TCFD Reporting
  • Amount: 
  • Target Year: 2023
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: 

TCFD Reporting

CO2 Reduction
% of reduction in Scope 1 & Scope 2 Carbon Emissions
  • Amount: 1%
  • Target Year: 2021
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry peers
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited assurance by independent 3rd party

% of reduction in Scope 1 & Scope 2 Carbon Emissions

CO2 Reduction
% of Scope 3 Carbon Emissions Reporting from suppliers
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: 

% of Scope 3 Carbon Emissions Reporting from suppliers

GHG emissions
Reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from a 2020 base year
  • Amount: 90%
  • Target Year: 2050
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Target approved by the Science Based Target initiative as aligned with a 1.5°C scenario
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from a 2020 base year

GHG emissions
Reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions per ton of cementitious materials from a 2018 base year
  • Amount: 95%
  • Target Year: 2025
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Target approved by the Science Based Target initiative as aligned with a well below 2°C scenario
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions per ton of cementitious materials from a 2018 base year

CO2 Reduction
Reduce Scope 1 CO2 emissions in cementitious material
  • Amount: 520kgs net CO2 / t
  • Target Year: 2025
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Target approved by the Science Based Target initiative as aligned with a well below 2°C scenario
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Reduce Scope 1 CO2 emissions in cementitious material

GHG emissions
% of Scope 3 GHG emissions reduction, from the most material categories, from a 2020 base year
  • Amount: 75%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Target approved by the Science Based Target initiative as aligned with a well below 2°C scenario
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

% of Scope 3 GHG emissions reduction, from the most material categories, from a 2020 base year

GHG emissions
% of reduction of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from 2018 baseline
  • Amount: 21%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Target approved by the Science Based Target initiative as aligned with a well below 2°C scenario
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

% of reduction of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from 2018 baseline

Decent work
Country operations have a human rights assessment process and action plan in place
  • Amount: 
  • Target Year: 
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry benchmarking
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Country operations have a human rights assessment process and action plan in place

Decent work
Conduct a business with zero harm to people and to create a healthy and safe environment for employees, contractors, communities, and customers
  • Amount: 
  • Target Year: 
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Conduct a business with zero harm to people and to create a healthy and safe environment for employees, contractors, communities, and customers

Increase annual green capital expenditure in million
  • Amount: CHF 500 M
  • Target Year: 2025
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry benchmarking
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: 

Increase annual green capital expenditure in million

GHG emissions
Reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions per ton of cementitious materials from a 2018 base year
  • Amount: 95%
  • Target Year: 2050
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Target approved by the Science Based Target initiative as aligned with a well below 2°C scenario
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions per ton of cementitious materials from a 2018 base year

GHG emissions
Reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from a 2020 base year
  • Amount: 90%
  • Target Year: 2050
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Target approved by the Science Based Target initiative as aligned with a 1.5°C scenario
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from a 2020 base year

GHG emissions
% of Scope 3 GHG emissions reduction, from the most material categories, from a 2020 base year
  • Amount: 75%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Target approved by the Science Based Target initiative as aligned with a well below 2°C scenario
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

% of Scope 3 GHG emissions reduction, from the most material categories, from a 2020 base year

Water discharged
% of water discharged to meet water quality standards and in-country regulations
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2026
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: 

% of water discharged to meet water quality standards and in-country regulations

GHG emissions
% of reduction of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from 2018 baseline
  • Amount: 21%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Target approved by the Science Based Target initiative as aligned with a well below 2°C scenario
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

% of reduction of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from 2018 baseline

Water efficiency
% of sites in water-risk areas to be equipped with water recycling systems
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: 

% of sites in water-risk areas to be equipped with water recycling systems

Water availability
% of sites in water-risk areas to be water-positive
  • Amount: 75%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: 

% of sites in water-risk areas to be water-positive

Water efficiency
Reduction of water intensity in Ready-Mix Concrete, compared to 2018 baseline
  • Amount: 15%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Reduction of water intensity in Ready-Mix Concrete, compared to 2018 baseline

Water efficiency
Reduction of water intensity in Aggregates, compared to 2018 baseline
  • Amount: 20%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Reduction of water intensity in Aggregates, compared to 2018 baseline

Water withdrawal
Reduction of specific freshwater withdrawal in Cement, compared to 2018 baseline
  • Amount: 33%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Holcim was the first in the industry to publish such target. CEMEX followed by publishing this year a 20% reduction target without mention of a baseline. As a reference CEMEX reported 341 L/ton in 2021 while Holcim reported 259 L/ton
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Reduction of specific freshwater withdrawal in Cement, compared to 2018 baseline

Increase annual green capital expenditure in million
  • Amount: CHF 500 M
  • Target Year: 2025
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry benchmarking
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: 

Increase annual green capital expenditure in million

Gender diversity
% of women in senior Management
  • Amount: 25%
  • Target Year: 2025
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry benchmarking
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

% of women in senior Management

Biodiversity protection
% of active quarries, located in high biodiversity importance areas, to have a biodiversity management plan
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2022
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

% of active quarries, located in high biodiversity importance areas, to have a biodiversity management plan

Supply Chain
% of environmentally critical suppliers to operate according to recognized environmental systems
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2022
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: 

% of environmentally critical suppliers to operate according to recognized environmental systems

Biodiversity protection
% of managed land to complete global Biodiversity Indicator Reporting System
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2024
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: 

% of managed land to complete global Biodiversity Indicator Reporting System

Biodiversity protection
% of active quarries to have a quarry rehabilitation plan in place
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2022
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

% of active quarries to have a quarry rehabilitation plan in place

Water discharged
% of water discharged to meet water quality standards and in-country regulations
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2026
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: 

% of water discharged to meet water quality standards and in-country regulations

Increase annual green capital expenditure in million
  • Amount: CHF 500 M
  • Target Year: 2025
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry benchmarking
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: 

Increase annual green capital expenditure in million

GHG emissions
Reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from a 2020 base year
  • Amount: 90%
  • Target Year: 2050
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Target approved by the Science Based Target initiative as aligned with a 1.5°C scenario
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from a 2020 base year

GHG emissions
Reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions per ton of cementitious materials from a 2018 base year
  • Amount: 95%
  • Target Year: 2025
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Target approved by the Science Based Target initiative as aligned with a well below 2°C scenario
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions per ton of cementitious materials from a 2018 base year

CO2 Reduction
Reduce Scope 1 CO2 emissions in cementitious material
  • Amount: 520kgs net CO2 / t
  • Target Year: 2025
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Target approved by the Science Based Target initiative as aligned with a well below 2°C scenario
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Reduce Scope 1 CO2 emissions in cementitious material

Supply Chain
Purchased goods and services (Clinker & Cement) per ton of purchased clinker and cement
  • Amount: 20%
  • Target Year: 
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Target approved by the Science Based Target initiative as aligned with a well below 2°C scenario
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Purchased goods and services (Clinker & Cement) per ton of purchased clinker and cement

GHG emissions
% of Scope 3 GHG emissions reduction, from the most material categories, from a 2020 base year
  • Amount: 75%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Target approved by the Science Based Target initiative as aligned with a well below 2°C scenario
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

% of Scope 3 GHG emissions reduction, from the most material categories, from a 2020 base year

Decent work
Country operations have a human rights assessment process and action plan in place
  • Amount: 
  • Target Year: 
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry benchmarking
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Country operations have a human rights assessment process and action plan in place

GHG emissions
% of reduction of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from 2018 baseline
  • Amount: 21%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Target approved by the Science Based Target initiative as aligned with a well below 2°C scenario
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

% of reduction of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from 2018 baseline

Use of recycled materials
Recycled million tons of materials (75M by 2025)
  • Amount: 100M
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry benchmarking
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Recycled million tons of materials (75M by 2025)

Decent work
Country operations have a human rights assessment process and action plan in place
  • Amount: 
  • Target Year: 
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry benchmarking
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Country operations have a human rights assessment process and action plan in place

Community engagement
Contribution to create positive social impact from 2020 baseline
  • Amount: CHF 500M
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry benchmarking
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Limited Assurance

Contribution to create positive social impact from 2020 baseline

Incorporate SDG in project financing
  • Amount: 
  • Target Year: 
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Audit

Incorporate SDG in project financing

Incorporate SDG in project financing
  • Amount: 
  • Target Year: 
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Audit

Incorporate SDG in project financing

Incorporate SDG in project financing
  • Amount: 
  • Target Year: 
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Audit

Incorporate SDG in project financing

CO2 Reduction
Reduce embodied carbon of building materials compared to their conventional equivalents
  • Amount: 24%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Reduce embodied carbon of building materials compared to their conventional equivalents

Green buildings
Maintain high level of commitment to adopt innovations and technology of green buildings (in number)
  • Amount: 2
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: NA
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: NA

Maintain high level of commitment to adopt innovations and technology of green buildings (in number)

Energy efficiency
Corporate Office: Reduce energy use intensity from 2007 level
  • Amount: 31%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Corporate Office: Reduce energy use intensity from 2007 level

CO2 Reduction
Achieve science-based target of reducing carbon emissions intensity
  • Amount: 59%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Achieve science-based target of reducing carbon emissions intensity

Green buildings
Achieve Green Mark certification for CDL owned and managed buildings
  • Amount: 90%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Singapore Green Plan 2030; Singapore Green Building Masterplan
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: NA

Achieve Green Mark certification for CDL owned and managed buildings

Partnerships engagement
Maintain high level of sustainability engagements and advocacy activities (in number per quarter) by 2030; 2021: Average of ≥ 36 engagement and advocacy initiatives and activities per quarter
  • Amount: ≥ 36
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: NA
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: NA

Maintain high level of sustainability engagements and advocacy activities (in number per quarter) by 2030; 2021: Average of ≥ 36 engagement and advocacy initiatives and activities per quarter

Reduced company involved accidents
Maintain zero occupational disease across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore
  • Amount: 0
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: UN Global Compact's Ten Principles + WSH Council (https://www.tal.sg/wshc)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Maintain zero occupational disease across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore

Reduced company involved accidents
Maintain zero fatality across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore
  • Amount: 0
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: UN Global Compact's Ten Principles + WSH Council (https://www.tal.sg/wshc)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Maintain zero fatality across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore

Reduced company involved accidents
Maintain a Minor Injury Rate (Minor IR) across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore
  • Amount: 250
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: WSH Council (https://www.tal.sg/wshc)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Maintain a Minor Injury Rate (Minor IR) across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore

Reduced company involved accidents
Maintain a Major Injury Rate (Major IR) across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore
  • Amount: 10
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: WSH Council (https://www.tal.sg/wshc)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Maintain a Major Injury Rate (Major IR) across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore

Reduced company involved accidents
Maintain a Minor Injury Rate (Minor IR) across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore
  • Amount: 250
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: WSH Council (https://www.tal.sg/wshc)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Maintain a Minor Injury Rate (Minor IR) across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore

Reduced company involved accidents
Maintain a Major Injury Rate (Major IR) across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore
  • Amount: 10
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: WSH Council (https://www.tal.sg/wshc)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Maintain a Major Injury Rate (Major IR) across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore

Reduced company involved accidents
Maintain zero occupational disease across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore
  • Amount: 0
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: UN Global Compact's Ten Principles + WSH Council (https://www.tal.sg/wshc)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Maintain zero occupational disease across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore

Reduced company involved accidents
Maintain zero corruption and fraud incidents across operations
  • Amount: 0
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: UN Global Compact's Ten Principles
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Maintain zero corruption and fraud incidents across operations

Reduced company involved accidents
Maintain zero fatality across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore
  • Amount: 0
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: UN Global Compact's Ten Principles + WSH Council (https://www.tal.sg/wshc)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Maintain zero fatality across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore

Partnerships engagement
Maintain high level of sustainability engagements and advocacy activities (in number per quarter) by 2030; 2021: Average of ≥ 36 engagement and advocacy initiatives and activities per quarter
  • Amount: ≥ 36
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: NA
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: NA

Maintain high level of sustainability engagements and advocacy activities (in number per quarter) by 2030; 2021: Average of ≥ 36 engagement and advocacy initiatives and activities per quarter

Green buildings
Maintain high level of commitment to adopt innovations and technology of green buildings (in number)
  • Amount: 2
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: NA
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: NA

Maintain high level of commitment to adopt innovations and technology of green buildings (in number)

Partnerships engagement
Maintain retail and office tenant participation in CDL Green Lease Partnership Programme
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: NA
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: NA

Maintain retail and office tenant participation in CDL Green Lease Partnership Programme

Reduced company involved accidents
Maintain a Minor Injury Rate (Minor IR) across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore
  • Amount: 250
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: WSH Council (https://www.tal.sg/wshc)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Maintain a Minor Injury Rate (Minor IR) across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore

Reduced company involved accidents
Maintain a Major Injury Rate (Major IR) across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore
  • Amount: 10
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: WSH Council (https://www.tal.sg/wshc)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Maintain a Major Injury Rate (Major IR) across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore

Reduced company involved accidents
Maintain zero occupational disease across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore
  • Amount: 0
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: UN Global Compact's Ten Principles + WSH Council (https://www.tal.sg/wshc)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Maintain zero occupational disease across operations and direct suppliers in Singapore

Reduced company involved accidents
Maintain zero corruption and fraud incidents across operations
  • Amount: 0
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: UN Global Compact's Ten Principles
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Maintain zero corruption and fraud incidents across operations

CO2 Reduction
Property Development (PD): Reduce embodied carbon of building materials compared to their conventional equivalents
  • Amount: 24%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Property Development (PD): Reduce embodied carbon of building materials compared to their conventional equivalents

Supply Chain
Property Development (PD): % of ensured of appointed suppliers are certified by recognised EHS standards
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Property Development (PD): % of ensured of appointed suppliers are certified by recognised EHS standards

Waste management
Property Development (PD): Achieve a waste intensity
  • Amount: 40 kg/m2
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Property Development (PD): Achieve a waste intensity

Water stewardship
Property Development (PD): Achieve a water use intensity
  • Amount: 1.54m3/m2
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Property Development (PD): Achieve a water use intensity

Energy efficiency
Property Development (PD): Achieve an energy use intensity
  • Amount: 95 kWh/m2
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Property Development (PD): Achieve an energy use intensity

Energy efficiency
Retail: Reduce energy use intensity from 2010 level
  • Amount: 18%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Retail: Reduce energy use intensity from 2010 level

Energy efficiency
Office & Industrial: Reduce energy use intensity from 2007 level
  • Amount: 45%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Office & Industrial: Reduce energy use intensity from 2007 level

CO2 Reduction
Reduce embodied carbon of building materials compared to their conventional equivalents
  • Amount: 24%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Reduce embodied carbon of building materials compared to their conventional equivalents

CO2 Reduction
Property Development (PD): Reduce embodied carbon of building materials compared to their conventional equivalents
  • Amount: 24%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Property Development (PD): Reduce embodied carbon of building materials compared to their conventional equivalents

Supply Chain
Property Development (PD): % of ensured of appointed suppliers are certified by recognised EHS standards
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Property Development (PD): % of ensured of appointed suppliers are certified by recognised EHS standards

Waste management
Property Development (PD): Achieve a waste intensity
  • Amount: 40 kg/m2
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Property Development (PD): Achieve a waste intensity

Water stewardship
Property Development (PD): Achieve a water use intensity
  • Amount: 1.54m3/m2
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Property Development (PD): Achieve a water use intensity

Energy efficiency
Property Development (PD): Achieve an energy use intensity
  • Amount: 95 kWh/m2
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Property Development (PD): Achieve an energy use intensity

Energy efficiency
Corporate Office: Reduce energy use intensity from 2007 level
  • Amount: 31%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Corporate Office: Reduce energy use intensity from 2007 level

Energy efficiency
Retail: Reduce energy use intensity from 2010 level
  • Amount: 18%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Retail: Reduce energy use intensity from 2010 level

Waste management
Office & Industrial: Reduce waste intensity from 2016 level
  • Amount: 16%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Office & Industrial: Reduce waste intensity from 2016 level

Water stewardship
Office & Industrial: Reduce water use intensity from 2007 level
  • Amount: 50%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Office & Industrial: Reduce water use intensity from 2007 level

Waste management
Office & Industrial: Reduce waste intensity from 2016 level
  • Amount: 16%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Office & Industrial: Reduce waste intensity from 2016 level

Energy efficiency
Office & Industrial: Reduce energy use intensity from 2007 level
  • Amount: 45%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Office & Industrial: Reduce energy use intensity from 2007 level

Water stewardship
Office & Industrial: Reduce water use intensity from 2007 level
  • Amount: 50%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Office & Industrial: Reduce water use intensity from 2007 level

CO2 Reduction
Achieve science-based target of reducing carbon emissions intensity
  • Amount: 59%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Achieve science-based target of reducing carbon emissions intensity

Partnerships engagement
Maintain retail and office tenant participation in CDL Green Lease Partnership Programme
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: NA
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: NA

Maintain retail and office tenant participation in CDL Green Lease Partnership Programme

CO2 Reduction
Reduce embodied carbon of building materials compared to their conventional equivalents
  • Amount: 24%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Reduce embodied carbon of building materials compared to their conventional equivalents

Green buildings
Achieve Green Mark certification for CDL owned and managed buildings
  • Amount: 90%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Singapore Green Plan 2030; Singapore Green Building Masterplan
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: NA

Achieve Green Mark certification for CDL owned and managed buildings

CO2 Reduction
Property Development (PD): Reduce embodied carbon of building materials compared to their conventional equivalents
  • Amount: 24%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Property Development (PD): Reduce embodied carbon of building materials compared to their conventional equivalents

Waste management
Property Development (PD): Achieve a waste intensity
  • Amount: 40 kg/m2
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Property Development (PD): Achieve a waste intensity

Supply Chain
Property Development (PD): % of ensured of appointed suppliers are certified by recognised EHS standards
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Property Development (PD): % of ensured of appointed suppliers are certified by recognised EHS standards

Water stewardship
Property Development (PD): Achieve a water use intensity
  • Amount: 1.54m3/m2
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Property Development (PD): Achieve a water use intensity

Energy efficiency
Property Development (PD): Achieve an energy use intensity
  • Amount: 95 kWh/m2
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Property Development (PD): Achieve an energy use intensity

Waste management
Retail: Reduce waste itensity from 2016 level
  • Amount: 12%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Retail: Reduce waste itensity from 2016 level

Energy efficiency
Corporate Office: Reduce energy use intensity from 2007 level
  • Amount: 31%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Corporate Office: Reduce energy use intensity from 2007 level

Waste management
Retail: Reduce waste itensity from 2016 level
  • Amount: 12%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Retail: Reduce waste itensity from 2016 level

Water stewardship
Retail: Reduce water use intensity from 2010 level
  • Amount: 9%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Retail: Reduce water use intensity from 2010 level

Water stewardship
Retail: Reduce water use intensity from 2010 level
  • Amount: 9%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Retail: Reduce water use intensity from 2010 level

Water stewardship
Retail: Reduce water use intensity from 2010 level
  • Amount: 9%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Retail: Reduce water use intensity from 2010 level

Waste management
Retail: Reduce waste itensity from 2016 level
  • Amount: 12%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Retail: Reduce waste itensity from 2016 level

Energy efficiency
Retail: Reduce energy use intensity from 2010 level
  • Amount: 18%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Retail: Reduce energy use intensity from 2010 level

Waste management
Office & Industrial: Reduce waste intensity from 2016 level
  • Amount: 16%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Office & Industrial: Reduce waste intensity from 2016 level

Water stewardship
Office & Industrial:Reduce water use intensity from 2007 level
  • Amount: 50%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Office & Industrial:Reduce water use intensity from 2007 level

CO2 Reduction
Achieve science-based target of reducing carbon emissions intensity
  • Amount: 59%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Achieve science-based target of reducing carbon emissions intensity

Energy efficiency
Office & Industrial: Reduce energy use intensity from 2007 level
  • Amount: 45%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: For energy use intensity, SBTi
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Reasonable assurance by EY

Office & Industrial: Reduce energy use intensity from 2007 level

Partnerships engagement
Maintain retail and office tenant participation in CDL Green Lease Partnership Programme
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: NA
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: NA

Maintain retail and office tenant participation in CDL Green Lease Partnership Programme

Partnerships engagement
Maintain high level of sustainability engagements and advocacy activities (in number per quarter) by 2030; 2021: Average of ≥ 36 engagement and advocacy initiatives and activities per quarter
  • Amount: ≥ 36
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: NA
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: NA

Maintain high level of sustainability engagements and advocacy activities (in number per quarter) by 2030; 2021: Average of ≥ 36 engagement and advocacy initiatives and activities per quarter

Green buildings
Achieve Green Mark certification for CDL owned and managed buildings
  • Amount: 90%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Singapore Green Plan 2030; Singapore Green Building Masterplan
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: NA

Achieve Green Mark certification for CDL owned and managed buildings

Green buildings
Maintain high level of commitment to adopt innovations and technology of green buildings (in number)
  • Amount: 2
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: NA
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: NA

Maintain high level of commitment to adopt innovations and technology of green buildings (in number)

Decent work
Implementation of Ethics and Compliance Continuous Improvement Program (%)
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Implementation of Ethics and Compliance Continuous Improvement Program (%)

Community engagement
% of community engagement plans with formal stakeholder dialogues and committees in all priority sites
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of community engagement plans with formal stakeholder dialogues and committees in all priority sites

Supply Chain
Sustainability assessment of critical suppliers by an independent third–party (% spend)
  • Amount: 90%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Sustainability assessment of critical suppliers by an independent third–party (% spend)

Community engagement
Community partners in million people
  • Amount: 30M
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Community partners in million people

Employee retention
% of voluntary Turnover
  • Amount: <10%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of voluntary Turnover

Net Promoter Score
Employee Net Promoter Score
  • Amount: ≥43
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: By service provider, Perceptyx
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Employee Net Promoter Score

Water withdrawal
% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Concrete
  • Amount: 10%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Concrete

Water availability
% Implementation of Water Action Plans in sites located in water–scarce areas
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Implementation of Water Action Plans in sites located in water–scarce areas

Water withdrawal
% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Aggregates
  • Amount: 15%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Aggregates

Water efficiency
% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Cementitious
  • Amount: 20%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Cementitious

Product performance
% Annual sales of cement and concrete products with outstanding sustainable attributes
  • Amount: ≥ 50%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Annual sales of cement and concrete products with outstanding sustainable attributes

CO2 Reduction
Reduction of net CO2 emissions per ton of cementitious product
  • Amount: >40%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions, SBTi well below 2° scenario, validated targets
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Reduction of net CO2 emissions per ton of cementitious product

Product performance
% Clean electricity consumption in cement
  • Amount: 55%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Clean electricity consumption in cement

Renewable energy
% of alternative fuels rate
  • Amount: 50%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of alternative fuels rate

Product performance
% Clinker Factor (cementitious)
  • Amount: 71%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Clinker Factor (cementitious)

Net Promoter Score
Net promoter score
  • Amount: 70
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Net promoter score

Reduced company involved accidents
Reduce employee Lost Time Injuries Frequency Rate
  • Amount: 0
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Reduce employee Lost Time Injuries Frequency Rate

Reduced company involved accidents
Reduce number of employee fatalities
  • Amount: 0
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Reduce number of employee fatalities

Decent work
Implementation of Ethics and Compliance Continuous Improvement Program (%)
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Implementation of Ethics and Compliance Continuous Improvement Program (%)

Supply Chain
Sustainability assessment of critical suppliers by an independent third–party (% spend)
  • Amount: 90%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Sustainability assessment of critical suppliers by an independent third–party (% spend)

Community engagement
Community partners in million people
  • Amount: 30M
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Community partners in million people

Net Promoter Score
Employee Net Promoter Score
  • Amount: ≥43
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: By service provider, Perceptyx
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Employee Net Promoter Score

Community engagement
% of community engagement plans with formal stakeholder dialogues and committees in all priority sites
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of community engagement plans with formal stakeholder dialogues and committees in all priority sites

Employee retention
% of voluntary Turnover
  • Amount: <10%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of voluntary Turnover

Water withdrawal
% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Concrete
  • Amount: 10%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Concrete

Water withdrawal
% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Aggregates
  • Amount: 15%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Aggregates

Water efficiency
% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Cementitious
  • Amount: 20%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Cementitious

Water availability
% Implementation of Water Action Plans in sites located in water–scarce areas
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Implementation of Water Action Plans in sites located in water–scarce areas

Net Promoter Score
Net promoter score
  • Amount: 70
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Net promoter score

Reduced company involved accidents
Reduce number of employee fatalities
  • Amount: 0
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Reduce number of employee fatalities

Reduced company involved accidents
Reduce employee Lost Time Injuries Frequency Rate
  • Amount: 0
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Reduce employee Lost Time Injuries Frequency Rate

% Third-party certification on critical sites
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: BAPS & (e.g. Wildlife Habitat Council third-party certification)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Third-party certification on critical sites

Biodiversity protection
% Quarry rehabilitation plans, Biodiversity Action Plans, and third-party certification
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions, Birdlife International for BAPS & (e.g. Wildlife Habitat Council third-party certification)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Quarry rehabilitation plans, Biodiversity Action Plans, and third-party certification

Waste management
Total waste–derived sources managed (million tons)
  • Amount: 25M tons
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Total waste–derived sources managed (million tons)

GHG emissions
% Reduction of SOX emissions per ton of clinker vs. 2005
  • Amount: 67%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Reduction of SOX emissions per ton of clinker vs. 2005

GHG emissions
% Reduction of NOX emissions per ton of clinker vs. 2005
  • Amount: 47%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Reduction of NOX emissions per ton of clinker vs. 2005

GHG emissions
% Reduction of dust emissions per ton of clinker vs.2005
  • Amount: 95%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Reduction of dust emissions per ton of clinker vs.2005

Waste management
Total waste–derived sources managed (million tons)
  • Amount: 25M tons
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Total waste–derived sources managed (million tons)

Supply Chain
Sustainability assessment of critical suppliers by an independent third–party (% spend)
  • Amount: 90%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Sustainability assessment of critical suppliers by an independent third–party (% spend)

% Third-party certification on critical sites
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: BAPS & (e.g. Wildlife Habitat Council third-party certification)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Third-party certification on critical sites

Biodiversity protection
% Quarry rehabilitation plans, Biodiversity Action Plans, and third-party certification
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions, Birdlife International for BAPS & (e.g. Wildlife Habitat Council third-party certification)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Quarry rehabilitation plans, Biodiversity Action Plans, and third-party certification

Product performance
% Clean electricity consumption in cement
  • Amount: 55%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Clean electricity consumption in cement

Product performance
% Annual sales of cement and concrete products with outstanding sustainable attributes
  • Amount: ≥ 50%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Annual sales of cement and concrete products with outstanding sustainable attributes

Renewable energy
% of alternative fuels rate
  • Amount: 50%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of alternative fuels rate

Product performance
% Clinker Factor (cementitious)
  • Amount: 71%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Clinker Factor (cementitious)

CO2 Reduction
Reduction of net CO2 emissions per ton of cementitious product
  • Amount: >40%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions, SBTi well below 2° scenario, validated targets
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Reduction of net CO2 emissions per ton of cementitious product

Community engagement
Community partners in million people
  • Amount: 30M
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Community partners in million people

Water withdrawal
% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Concrete
  • Amount: 10%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Concrete

Community engagement
% of community engagement plans with formal stakeholder dialogues and committees in all priority sites
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: No
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of community engagement plans with formal stakeholder dialogues and committees in all priority sites

Water withdrawal
% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Aggregates
  • Amount: 15%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Aggregates

Water efficiency
% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Cementitious
  • Amount: 20%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of reduction in specific freshwater withdrawal in Cementitious

Biodiversity protection
% Quarry rehabilitation plans, Biodiversity Action Plans, and third-party certification
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions, Birdlife International for BAPS & (e.g. Wildlife Habitat Council third-party certification)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Quarry rehabilitation plans, Biodiversity Action Plans, and third-party certification

Water availability
% Implementation of Water Action Plans in sites located in water–scarce areas
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Implementation of Water Action Plans in sites located in water–scarce areas

% Third-party certification on critical sites
  • Amount: 100%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: BAPS & (e.g. Wildlife Habitat Council third-party certification)
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Third-party certification on critical sites

GHG emissions
% Reduction of SOX emissions per ton of clinker vs. 2005
  • Amount: 67%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Reduction of SOX emissions per ton of clinker vs. 2005

GHG emissions
% Reduction of dust emissions per ton of clinker vs.2005
  • Amount: 95%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Reduction of dust emissions per ton of clinker vs.2005

GHG emissions
% Reduction of NOX emissions per ton of clinker vs. 2005
  • Amount: 47%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Reduction of NOX emissions per ton of clinker vs. 2005

Waste management
Total waste–derived sources managed (million tons)
  • Amount: 25M tons
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Total waste–derived sources managed (million tons)

Product performance
% Annual sales of cement and concrete products with outstanding sustainable attributes
  • Amount: ≥ 50%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Annual sales of cement and concrete products with outstanding sustainable attributes

Product performance
% Clean electricity consumption in cement
  • Amount: 55%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Clean electricity consumption in cement

CO2 Reduction
Reduction of net CO2 emissions per ton of cementitious product
  • Amount: >40%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions, SBTi well below 2° scenario, validated targets
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Reduction of net CO2 emissions per ton of cementitious product

Renewable energy
% of alternative fuels rate
  • Amount: 50%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% of alternative fuels rate

Product performance
% Clinker Factor (cementitious)
  • Amount: 71%
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

% Clinker Factor (cementitious)

Net Promoter Score
Net promoter score
  • Amount: 70
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: No
  • Proxy used to benchmark: 
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Net promoter score

Reduced company involved accidents
Reduce employee Lost Time Injuries Frequency Rate
  • Amount: 0
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Reduce employee Lost Time Injuries Frequency Rate

Reduced company involved accidents
Reduce number of employee fatalities
  • Amount: 0
  • Target Year: 2030
  • Benchmarked: Yes
  • Proxy used to benchmark: Industry definitions
  • Performance independently verified: Yes
  • Verification type: Independent limited assurance

Reduce number of employee fatalities

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